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Advanced Deep Learning with Keras : Learn from the Experts with this Free Book


A comprehensive guide to advanced deep learning techniques, including Autoencoders, GANs, VAEs, and Deep Reinforcement Learning, that drive today's most impressive AI results Key Features

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras : Download Free Book

Who this book is forSome fluency with Python is assumed. As an advanced book, you'll be familiar with some machine learning approaches, and some practical experience with DL will be helpful. Knowledge of Keras or TensorFlow is not required but would be helpful. Table of Contents

Advanced Deep Learning with Keras is a comprehensive guide to the advanced deep learning techniques available today, so you can create your own cutting-edge AI. Using Keras as an open-source deep learning library, you'll find hands-on projects throughout that show you how to create more effective AI with the latest techniques.

In this first chapter, we will introduce the three deep learning artificial neural networks that we will be using throughout the book. These deep learning models are MLPs, CNNs, and RNNs, which are the building blocks to the advanced deep learning topics covered in this book, such as Autoencoders and GANs.

Together, we'll implement these deep learning models using the Keras library in this chapter. We'll start by looking at why Keras is an excellent choice as a tool for us. Next, we'll dig into the installation and implementation details within the three deep learning models.

By the end of this chapter, we'll have the fundamental deep learning models implemented using Keras. In the next chapter, we'll get into the advanced deep learning topics that build on these foundations, such as Deep Networks, Autoencoders, and GANs.

Keras [Chollet, François. "Keras (2015)." (2017)] is a popular deep learning library with over 250,000 developers at the time of writing, a number that is more than doubling every year. Over 600 contributors actively maintain it. Some of the examples we'll use in this book have been contributed to the official Keras GitHub repository. Google's TensorFlow, a popular open source deep learning library, uses Keras as a high-level API to its library. In the industry, Keras is used by major technology companies like Google, Netflix, Uber, and NVIDIA. In this chapter, we introduce how to use Keras Sequential API.

We have chosen Keras as our tool of choice to work within this book because Keras is a library dedicated to accelerating the implementation of deep learning models. This makes Keras ideal for when we want to be practical and hands-on, such as when we're exploring the advanced deep learning concepts in this book. Because Keras is intertwined with deep learning, it is essential to learn the key concepts of deep learning before someone can maximize the use of Keras libraries.

Keras is a deep learning library that enables us to build and train models efficiently. In the library, layers are connected to one another like pieces of Lego, resulting in a model that is clean and easy to understand. Model training is straightforward requiring only data, a number of epochs of training, and metrics to monitor. The end result is that most deep learning models can be implemented with a significantly smaller number of lines of code. By using Keras, we'll gain productivity by saving time in code implementation which can instead be spent on more critical tasks such as formulating better deep learning algorithms. We're combining Keras with deep learning, as it offers increased efficiency when introduced with the three deep learning networks that we will introduce in the following sections of this chapter.

Likewise, Keras is ideal for the rapid implementation of deep learning models, like the ones that we will be using in this book. Typical models can be built in few lines of code using the Sequential Model API. However, do not be misled by its simplicity. Keras can also build more advanced and complex models using its API and Model and Layer classes which can be customized to satisfy unique requirements. Functional API supports building graph-like models, layers reuse, and models that are behaving like Python functions. Meanwhile, Model and Layer classes provide a framework for implementing uncommon or experimental deep learning models and layers.

Keras is not an independent deep learning library. As shown in Figure 1.1.1, it is built on top of another deep learning library or backend. This could be Google's TensorFlow, MILA's Theano or Microsoft's CNTK. Support for Apache's MXNet is nearly completed. We'll be testing examples in this book on a TensorFlow backend using Python 3. This due to the popularity of TensorFlow, which makes it a common backend.

This book does not cover the complete Keras API. We'll only be covering the materials needed to explain the advanced deep learning topics in this book. For further information, we can consult the official Keras documentation, which can be found at

Multilayer perceptrons or MLPs are a fully-connected network. You'll often find them referred to as either deep feedforward networks or feedforward neural networks in some literature. Understanding these networks in terms of known target applications will help us get insights about the underlying reasons for the design of the advanced deep learning models. MLPs are common in simple logistic and linear regression problems. However, MLPs are not optimal for processing sequential and multi-dimensional data patterns. By design, MLPs struggle to remember patterns in sequential data and requires a substantial number of parameters to process multi-dimensional data.

For sequential data input, RNNs are popular because the internal design allows the network to discover dependency in the history of data that is useful for prediction. For multi-dimensional data like images and videos, a CNN excels in extracting feature maps for classification, segmentation, generation, and other purposes. In some cases, a CNN in the form of a 1D convolution is also used for networks with sequential input data. However, in most deep learning models, MLPs, RNNs, and CNNs are combined to make the most out of each network.

Before we discuss the multilayer perceptron model, it's essential that we understand the MNIST dataset. A large number of the examples in this book use the MNIST dataset. MNIST is used to explain and validate deep learning theories because the 70,000 samples it contains are small, yet sufficiently rich in information:

As shown in the following model, the classifier model is implemented using a sequential model API of Keras. This is sufficient if the model requires one input and one output processed by a sequence of layers. For simplicity, we'll use this in the meantime, however, in Chapter 2, Deep Neural Networks, the Functional API of Keras will be introduced to implement advanced deep learning models.

Equation 1.3.7 computes the last layer parameter updates. So, how do we adjust the parameters of the preceding layers? For this case, the chain rule of differentiation is applied to propagate the derivatives to the lower layers and compute the gradients accordingly. This algorithm is known as backpropagation in deep learning. The details of backpropagation are beyond the scope of this book. However, a good online reference can be found at

The major change here is the use of Conv2D layers. The relu activation function is already an argument of Conv2D. The relu function can be brought out as an Activation layer when the batch normalization layer is included in the model. Batch normalization is used in deep CNNs so that large learning rates can be used without causing instability during training.

This chapter also reviewed the important concepts of deep learning such as optimization, regularization, and loss function. For ease of understanding, these concepts were presented in the context of the MNIST digit classification. Different solutions to the MNIST digit classification using artificial neural networks, specifically MLPs, CNNs, and RNNs, which are important building blocks of deep neural networks, were also discussed together with their performance measures.

With the understanding of deep learning concepts, and how Keras can be used as a tool with them, we are now equipped to analyze advanced deep learning models. After discussing Functional API in the next chapter, we'll move onto the implementation of popular deep learning models. Subsequent chapters will discuss advanced topics such as autoencoders, GANs, VAEs, and reinforcement learning. The accompanying Keras code implementations will play an important role in understanding these topics.

The journey begins with an overview of MLPs, CNNs, and RNNs, which are the building blocks for the more advanced techniques in the book. You'll learn how to implement deep learning models with Keras and Tensorflow, and move forwards to advanced techniques, as you explore deep neural network architectures, including ResNet and DenseNet, and how to create Autoencoders. You then learn all about Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and how they can open new levels of AI performance. Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) are implemented, and you'll see how GANs and VAEs have the generative power to synthesize data that can be extremely convincing to humans - a major stride forward for modern AI. To complete this set of advanced techniques, you'll learn how to implement Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) such as Deep Q-Learning and Policy Gradient Methods, which are critical to many modern results in AI.

Some fluency with Python is assumed. As an advanced book, you'll be familiar with some machine learning approaches, and some practical experience with DL will be helpful. Knowledge of Keras or TensorFlow is not required but would be helpful. 2ff7e9595c

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